Occam's Teapot is essentially a place for me to say whatever I like. I'm a freelance writer, which means that I'm either paid to communicate somebody else's message or everything I say has to be vetted by an editor before anybody can read it. I don't intend to say I dislike my job - I love it - but I need somewhere to rant, be silly and express myself freely. So here it is.
Apparently you're not supposed to start a blog to just talk about whichever subjects you like, but I'm flatly ignoring that rule. I'd hope it's at least occasionally amusing, but the only real thread that ties this all together is that I try to be rational.
The name is an amalgamation of Occam's Razor and Russell's Teapot, which are basically two good methods of slapping down illogical nonsense. In short, out of all the available explanations for something, the one which makes the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct, and if you're making ridiculous claims the burden of proof is on you.
This is also something of a replacement for an actual website which advertises my services. If you want to hire me for a writing project - send me an email or contact me through Elance. I'll take on most types of jobs, and you can see loads of testimonials from past clients on my Elance page. Also, if you have any comments, angry tirades or anything else you deem necessary, you can send it here.